Creative Inspiration

The idea of sitting in front of a blank piece of paper or an empty screen on the ipad, pen at the ready with nothing yet filling the space can be something quite daunting for some creatives. When tasked with creating something new and special for a client it’s all about finding a gateway into your imagination so that you can develop something unique each time. 

That’s where creative inspiration comes into the game. Like Bower birds we are constantly gathering information, searching out hidden gems, observing daily changes in the world and interacting with new ideas so that we can find our own way of working with them to convey our client’s stories.


While we are continually absorbing new pieces of inspiration for our work in general we also go on the search for distinct creative examples that can inform each one of our services specifically. 

When we are working with animation we’re constantly looking at what the current trends are and what are some lovely examples that we can see out there in the world right now? We use this inspiration to make considered decisions like “Should we be using stop-motion animation for this project? Or is it something that would be better served by a frame-by-frame animation?” It’s all about making sure that we can present the information contained in the animation in the best possible way for our client’s audience.

We absolutely love illustration so we’re constantly experimenting with new techniques and trying to draw things that we’ve never before attempted. Our inspiration really comes from purposeful daydreaming and letting our minds wander so that we can build and create unique ways to represent different ideas and then we just continually put that to the test.

We’ve been working in the graphic recording field for ten years now and while we have plenty of experience, tools and styles that we like to work with we also love seeing what other incredible graphic recorders are doing out there. We are inspired by other great artistic graphic recorders and it’s interesting to see what new things they’re trying, how they’re testing different styles and the differing ways that they like to format their captures. We like to make sure that we’re combining our wealth of experience with new and exciting developments to keep it fresh and audiences engaged.

When it comes to graphic design we like to keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the design world so that we’re aware of innovation that we can choose to use as we like. For us it’s not about staying ‘on-trend’ but it’s also not about ignoring trends all together, it’s about finding the balance between creating new, authentic work and acknowledging what people are interested in at the moment.

One big thing about inspiration is being open to upskilling and being open to taking in that new information and always striving to better ourselves and our skills. We’re lifelong learners, listeners and observers and the value of us constantly exploring and being inspired is that we will then pass that on to our clients through a really unique and engaging product. 

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